When to Consult a Professional

Mastering Crate Training for Adult Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide

Dog Training
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Crate training is not just for puppies; it’s a beneficial skill for all dog owners, especially those with adult dogs.

Many wonder if crate training is feasible with older dogs, and this guide is designed to answer that question.

We’ll explore the effectiveness of crate training in adult dogs, discussing its benefits and providing a step-by-step approach to ensure successful training.

This guide aims to alleviate your concerns about returning home to a chaotic scene caused by an untrained dog.

Can You Crate Train an Adult Dog?

Can You Crate Train an Adult Dog

Contrary to some beliefs, crate training an adult dog is definitely achievable.

It might require more patience and effort compared to training a younger dog or a puppy, but it’s a manageable task.

Patience and a gradual approach are key, particularly for older dogs who haven’t been exposed to crates before.

Rushing the process might lead to resistance or fear, so it’s crucial to make training as comfortable as possible.

Navigating the Challenges of Crate Training an Older Dog

Navigating the Challenges of Crate Training an Older Dog

Older dogs often have established routines and habits, making them more resistant to change, similar to teaching an older person new technology.

However, some adult dogs, like smaller, easily trainable breeds, may adapt quickly to crate training.

Patience and understanding of your dog’s specific temperament are essential in overcoming these challenges.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Crate Training Your Adult Dog

Step-by-Step Guide to Crate Training Your Adult Dog

Preparing for Training

Before starting, ensure you have all necessary items:

  • Appropriate Dog Crate: Select a size that allows your dog to comfortably stand and lie down.
  • Treats: Choose small, enticing treats for positive reinforcement.
  • Food Bowl or Toy: For placing treats inside the crate.
  • Comfortable Bedding: A dog bed or crate mat for comfort.
  • Pet Camera (Optional): Useful for monitoring progress, especially for dogs with separation anxiety.

Step 1: Ideal Crate Placement

Choose a location that is quiet yet not isolated, balancing comfort and familiarity.

For example, a corner in your living room could be ideal.

Step 2: Attracting Your Dog’s Interest

Use treats to make the crate an intriguing place for your dog.

Lock the treats inside and let your dog explore around the crate for a day or two, refreshing the treats if necessary.

Step 3: Exploring the Crate

Open the crate and allow your dog to enter and find the treats.

Reinforce the positive association with the crate by offering additional treats and repeating this step until your dog eagerly enters the crate.

Step 4: Incorporate Meal Times

Use meal times to get your dog used to the crate.

Place their food inside and let them enter and exit freely, gradually getting them accustomed to eating in the crate.

Step 5: Acclimating to a Moving Crate Door

Gradually get your dog comfortable with the door movement.

Start with slight movements, rewarding your dog for staying calm, and progressively increase the door movement.

Step 6: Locking the Crate

Begin locking the crate for short periods, starting with one minute and gradually increasing the duration, always offering treats and a toy to chew on inside.

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Step 7: Extended Stays and Absences

Work on increasing the time and distance you’re away from the crate, using a pet camera to monitor your dog’s response during longer absences.

5 Key Benefits of Crate Training Adult Dogs

5 Key Benefits of Crate Training Adult Dogs

  1. Easier Travel: Makes transporting your dog less stressful.
  2. Smoother Vet Visits: Reduces anxiety during veterinary or grooming appointments.
  3. Prevents Destructive Behavior: Limits damage to your home when you’re away.
  4. Reduces Bathroom Accidents: Encourages house training and discipline.
  5. Provides a Calming Space: Offers a safe haven for your dog in stressful situations.

When to Consult a Professional

When to Consult a Professional

If you face significant challenges in crate training, consider seeking help from a certified professional dog trainer.


Crate training your adult dog can be a rewarding process that enhances both your lives.

Remember, if the process proves challenging, professional assistance is always an option.

Share your experiences and any additional tips in the comments to help others in their crate training journey.
